Water is life—it supports plants and animals, cycles nutrients throughout ecosystems, and regulates climate. Globally, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, extreme precipitation, and drought are existential threats that we experience locally. Our watershed provides water to hundreds of thousands of people along the Wasatch Front.
Sundance Nature Alliance supports the health of our watershed through monitoring and advocacy for the Provo River, management practices in surrounding communities, land conservation and restoration, and community outreach to residents and visitors.
The Provo River
The Provo River is home to three Blue Ribbon Trout Fisheries, the endangered June Sucker and Columbia Spotted Frog, and also hosts numerous raptors including Bald and Golden Eagles, Osprey, and is only one of two known breeding locations for the endangered Black Swift.
Robert Redford worked for decades to protect the Provo River’s riparian areas, water quality, and recreational uses.
Though the outcome of this advocacy was not entirely successful, Sundance managed to negotiate the protection of a riparian buffer for the Provo River, a recreational trail, and the protection of 40-acre wetlands to protect the endangered Spotted Frog habitat.
“Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children's lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.”